Useful Contacts

Rycroft Primary Care Centre
Acute Emergency 999
Out of Hours 111
NHS Direct 0845 4647
NHS England 0300 311 22 33
NHS Wakefield 01924 213050
Appointments & Enquiries 01226 725 555 or 01226 725 556
Appointment Cancellations 01226 725 555 or 01226 725 556
District Nurses/Single Point of Contact 01924 327591
Family Planning clinics 01924 327586 / 01977 465430
Health Visitors 01977 465319 or 01977 465321
Midwife Team 01924 213745
General Help
Age Concern (Age UK) 01977 706751
AIDS Helpline 0800 567 123
Child line 0800 1111
Citizens Advice Bureau 01977 793768
CRUSE Bereavement Counselling 01977 708335
DASH (Drug and Solvent Helpline) 01977 790999
Disabled Advice Bureau 0800 882 200
Josephine Butler Centre for Sexual Health 01924 214421
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) 0845 602 4832
Samaritans 116 123
Social Services/Social Care Direct 01924 303456
Turning Point/Drug Link 01977 517488
Wakefield Walk-in Centre, King Street 0845 1211023
Barnsley District Hospital 01226 730000
Castleford Hospital 01977 605500
Dewsbury District Hospital 01924 541000
Doncaster Royal and Montagu Hospital 01302 366666
Pinderfields Hospital 01924 541000
Pontefract General Infirmary 01924 541000

Practice Email Address

Practice Manager - Brogan Smith

Business Manager - Fern Whitelam