Useful Contacts
Rycroft Primary Care Centre | |
Acute Emergency | 999 |
Out of Hours | 111 |
NHS Direct | 0845 4647 |
NHS England | 0300 311 22 33 |
NHS Wakefield | 01924 213050 |
Appointments & Enquiries | 01226 725 555 or 01226 725 556 |
Appointment Cancellations | 01226 725 555 or 01226 725 556 |
District Nurses/Single Point of Contact | 01924 327591 |
Family Planning clinics | 01924 327586 / 01977 465430 |
Health Visitors | 01977 465319 or 01977 465321 |
Midwife Team | 01924 213745 |
General Help | |
Age Concern (Age UK) | 01977 706751 |
AIDS Helpline | 0800 567 123 |
Child line | 0800 1111 |
Citizens Advice Bureau | 01977 793768 |
CRUSE Bereavement Counselling | 01977 708335 |
DASH (Drug and Solvent Helpline) | 01977 790999 |
Disabled Advice Bureau | 0800 882 200 |
Josephine Butler Centre for Sexual Health | 01924 214421 |
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) | 0845 602 4832 |
Samaritans | 116 123 |
Social Services/Social Care Direct | 01924 303456 |
Turning Point/Drug Link | 01977 517488 |
Wakefield Walk-in Centre, King Street | 0845 1211023 |
Hospitals | |
Barnsley District Hospital | 01226 730000 |
Castleford Hospital | 01977 605500 |
Dewsbury District Hospital | 01924 541000 |
Doncaster Royal and Montagu Hospital | 01302 366666 |
Pinderfields Hospital | 01924 541000 |
Pontefract General Infirmary | 01924 541000 |
Practice Email Address
Practice Manager - Brogan Smith
Business Manager - Fern Whitelam